A Target Threat Assessment Method for Application in Air Defense Command and Control Systems
Introduction. This paper presents a solution for threat assessment of air targets using the fuzzy logic inference method. The approach is based on the Sugeno fuzzy model, which has multiple inputs representing target trajectory parameters and a single output representing the target threat value. A set of IF–THEN fuzzy inference rules, utilizing the AND operator, is developed to assess the input information.
Aim. To develop and test an algorithm model to calculate the threat value of an air target for use in real-time automated command and control systems.
Materials and methods. An algorithm model was developed using a fuzzy model to calculate the threat value of a target. The model is presented in the form of a flowchart supported by a detailed stepwise implementation process. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm was evaluated using the available toolkit in MATLAB. Additionally, a BATE software testbed was developed to assess the applicability of the algorithm model in a real-time automated command and control system.
Results. The efficiency of the proposed fuzzy model was evaluated by its simulation and testing using MATLAB tools on a set of 10 target trajectories with different parameters. Additionally, the BATE software was utilized to test the model under various air defense scenarios. The proposed fuzzy model was found to be capable of efficiently computing the threat value of each target with respect to the protected object.
Conclusion. The proposed fuzzy model can be applied when developing tactical supporting software modules for real-time air defense command and control systems.
Об авторах
Xuan Truong NguyenВьетнам
Kim Phuong Phung
Quang Hieu Dang
Xung Ha Vo
Hoa Tien Vu
Список литературы
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Для цитирования:
Nguyen X., Phung K., Dang Q., Ha Vo X., Tien Vu H. A Target Threat Assessment Method for Application in Air Defense Command and Control Systems. Известия высших учебных заведений России. Радиоэлектроника. 2023;26(3):90-98. https://doi.org/10.32603/1993-8985-2023-26-3-90-98
For citation:
Nguyen X., Phung K., Dang Q., Ha Vo X., Tien Vu H. A Target Threat Assessment Method for Application in Air Defense Command and Control Systems. Journal of the Russian Universities. Radioelectronics. 2023;26(3):90-98. https://doi.org/10.32603/1993-8985-2023-26-3-90-98